
The Core of zkCross Network


The zkCross Protocol is enhancing cross-chain interoperability and liquidity movement. Our commitment to creating a fully decentralised ecosystem is evident through strategic integrations with established blockchains and technological advancements. Here's an overview of how zkCross Protocol achieves complete decentralisation.

Secure and Efficient Key Management with Partisia's MPC

• Multi-Party Computation (MPC)

At the core of our decentralisation effort is the integration of Partisia's Multi-Party Computation (MPC) technology. MPC allows for the secure and distributed computation of functions, ensuring that individual parties cannot access the entire dataset. In the context of zkCross Protocol, this means transaction keys and sensitive data are split among multiple parties, eliminating single points of failure and enhancing security.

• Decentralised Key Management

By leveraging MPC, zkCross Protocol decentralises key management for cross-chain transactions. This setup ensures that no single entity controls the transaction process, maintaining the integrity and trustlessness essential to DeFi operations.

On-Chain Bridge Watchers with ICP Canisters

• ICP Canisters for Decentralised Indexing

Integrating Internet Computer Protocol (ICP) Canisters lets us move our bridge watchers on-chain. Canisters are autonomous, scalable computing units on the ICP blockchain that can run software with supercomputer-level throughput. This integration means that the monitoring and validation of cross-chain transactions are executed on a decentralised infrastructure, further reducing reliance on centralised servers.

• Enhanced Security and Efficiency

By deploying bridge watchers as ICP Canisters, zkCross Protocol benefits from the ICP network's inherent security and efficiency. This setup decentralises the observation of lock and release events across blockchains and ensures that these operations are tamper-proof and executed with high throughput.

Decentralised Governance

To foster a truly decentralised ecosystem, zkCross Protocol plans to implement a DAO (Decentralized Autonomous Organization) for governance. This will allow token holders and community members to propose, vote on, and implement changes to the protocol, ensuring that it evolves in alignment with the community's interests.

Open Source Development

By committing to open-source development, zkCross Protocol encourages community participation in the codebase's growth and security. This approach enhances transparency and decentralises the development process, allowing anyone in the community to contribute to the protocol's improvement.

The zkCross Network is a leader in the push towards a fully decentralised DeFi ecosystem that is simple to use without the complexities of DeFi. This is made possible by integrating Partisia's MPC, ICP Canisters, decentralised governance, and open-source development.

These technological and organisational strategies ensure that zkCross Protocol remains secure, efficient, and aligned with the ethos of decentralisation that is foundational to blockchain technology. Through these efforts, zkCross Protocol is set to redefine the landscape of cross-chain transactions, making them more accessible, secure, and decentralised for users worldwide.

Last updated